Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm Invisible.

Man, this week sucks. I feel like I'm invisible, like no one cares I'm here or wants to acknowledge it or notice. Some people are just too busy, or they have cooler new friends that they would rather hang out with. Or I'm not cool enough to hang out with their new friends. Some people can't even take 5 min. out of their day to hang out and chat. Blah whatever, I'm so stressed out and I don't even have a legit reason to be, no hard tests or school work coming up. I'm just ready for the weekend. Hopefully things turn around. That's really all I have to say right now. That's all thats been on my mind the past few days. I hate liars too.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Told ya so.

So a bunch of kids on my floor play poker every other night for money. They always say "nathan, come play" and I always say "no I'm to busy". Then they say "come on, don't be a p****". Then I say, "you guys don't want me to play, I'll take your money", then they all just laugh. Well tonight I played. Knocked three people out within five minutes and went on to win the game.... I'm not allowed to play anymore.



Monday, September 14, 2009

Lyrics of life.

Have you ever been listening to a song and really paying attention to the lyrics, when all of a sudden it hits you, and you think "this song is for me" or "this song is about me". That is what has been happening to me lately. i.e...

she has no problem with secrets
She knows how to keep them
She never felt the need to let them show
And I’ve had no trouble with speaking
Or trusting my instincts
That maybe this is one that I should know
But as I’m waiting there
The devil on my shoulder stares
Laughing that the one thing I can’t get
Is what I need

She, She is the words that I can’t find
How can the only thing that’s killing me make me feel so alive
And I couldn’t speak
I couldn’t breathe to save my life
All of my chances swim like sinking ships
This time it’s it
I’ll drown or make her mine

The CD is "Loosing Sleep" by Parachute. The CD is awesome, every song. You'll probably recognize the song "She is Love", it is played all the time on the radio, especially around here. But these guys are what has been rockin my iPhone/computer for the past week. You could also throw in "The Blueprint 3" by Jay-Z, that CD is so tight, Jay-Z did it again. I've been having trouble writing songs lately, maybe it is because I have to many things to write about. Though coming up with the tunes has been rather easy as of lately, so I'm thankful for that. My friend who is a recording major got ahold of me and is going to master my tracks for me for the new EP. I might change the name of the EP, cause I'm terribly indecisive. Though I'm still only going to have 5 or 6 songs at most on it. Then hopefully this next summer I'll get in the studio and get a 8-10 track "legit CD" out, but let's not get to ahead of ourselves. Thanks to all who have been reading this the past week and been keeping my view count up! I appreciate it and encourage you all to write as well or leave comments here. I'm out for tonight.

Thanks for joining my journey,

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Time. Wishing you had more of it. Wishing you had more time for activities, projects, loved ones. Time helps and prevents us from doing what we wish. I always think "If I just had more time", or "I'm never going to have time for this and that". Sometimes I wish I could just stop time at particular moments in my life. This reminds me of one of my favorite songs by Needtobreathe called "More Time". Here's some of the lyrics....

I promised you the world again
Everything within my hands
All the riches one could dream
They will come from me

I hoped that you could understand
That this is not what I had planned
Please don’t worry now
It will turn around

Cause I need more time
Just a few more months and we’ll be fine
So say what’s on your mind
Cause I can’t figure out just what’s inside.

Been doing a lot of thinking lately. Which is good, that means my brain is working. Good stuff. I'm out.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Great News!

Ok, so I auditioned on thursday for the Wired program on campus, and I made it for the second year in a row. This is awesome. I also got interviewed by the paper about my first CD and got asked to be on the local radio station and perform music/ answer questions about my music! I'm really excited about the radio part, It's like nothing I've ever done before! I kinda feel like a real rock star (not quite but kind of). So I'm going home this weekend to watch my brother play some ball and to do a little D.J. gig that I have booked. So unfortunately I'll miss the BSU game, but I need to make money so I'm not going to complain. Getting real busy in school, which is expected, but I'm not ready for it. Besides that all is good, tgif.



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Learning, loving, forgiving and forgetting.

So, this past few weeks have been all about getting back into the groove of college. So far so good I'd say. Only missed one class so far (shhhh don't tell my parents), I over slept when i decided to take a nap in the afternoon. I can also say I've learned a lot of lessons the past few weeks. I've learned that planning in advance doesn't actually mean you'll do what you planned. Which sucks. I'm talking about recording my first EP. I've been putting it off for a little while because I just needed to take some Nathan time, which might sound selfish. I've learned this week that sometimes love is the thing that unites all people. And without going into to much detail, I've learned that forgiving and forgetting are essential with all aspects of life and love. Some people make mistakes, some hurt, some don't, but in reality you can't go back and fix them, no matter how bad you want to. You just have to forget about the mistakes, forgive, and move on. But we learn from these mistakes and situations, and they make us stronger people. Anyways, I'm done blabbing. I have an audition thursday night for a program that would bring me some acoustic gigs and exposure around the Ball State and Muncie area. So hopefully all goes well and they like me! I'll keep this posted and will do a better job keeping this updated! Its late, out for now.
