Monday, September 14, 2009

Lyrics of life.

Have you ever been listening to a song and really paying attention to the lyrics, when all of a sudden it hits you, and you think "this song is for me" or "this song is about me". That is what has been happening to me lately. i.e...

she has no problem with secrets
She knows how to keep them
She never felt the need to let them show
And I’ve had no trouble with speaking
Or trusting my instincts
That maybe this is one that I should know
But as I’m waiting there
The devil on my shoulder stares
Laughing that the one thing I can’t get
Is what I need

She, She is the words that I can’t find
How can the only thing that’s killing me make me feel so alive
And I couldn’t speak
I couldn’t breathe to save my life
All of my chances swim like sinking ships
This time it’s it
I’ll drown or make her mine

The CD is "Loosing Sleep" by Parachute. The CD is awesome, every song. You'll probably recognize the song "She is Love", it is played all the time on the radio, especially around here. But these guys are what has been rockin my iPhone/computer for the past week. You could also throw in "The Blueprint 3" by Jay-Z, that CD is so tight, Jay-Z did it again. I've been having trouble writing songs lately, maybe it is because I have to many things to write about. Though coming up with the tunes has been rather easy as of lately, so I'm thankful for that. My friend who is a recording major got ahold of me and is going to master my tracks for me for the new EP. I might change the name of the EP, cause I'm terribly indecisive. Though I'm still only going to have 5 or 6 songs at most on it. Then hopefully this next summer I'll get in the studio and get a 8-10 track "legit CD" out, but let's not get to ahead of ourselves. Thanks to all who have been reading this the past week and been keeping my view count up! I appreciate it and encourage you all to write as well or leave comments here. I'm out for tonight.

Thanks for joining my journey,


  1. Nathan you are amazing! I am so excited for you and your journey. I can not wait for you to get your CD (what exactly is anEP that you mention? as long as I can "play your music I am a happy camper!).
    Have a Blessed day and don't forget to make time for you :)
    ps.. your girlfriend is a "Baby Turtle". I hope that does not take too much time away from you :( Keep her grounded :)

  2. an EP is like a 5 or 6 track CD. I'm very proud of Annie and I am happy to sacrifice some time with her if it means her finding some new friends! I am just happy I get to spend as much time with her as I do! Take care! Can't wait to see the new house, especially the hot tub!
