Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Learning, loving, forgiving and forgetting.

So, this past few weeks have been all about getting back into the groove of college. So far so good I'd say. Only missed one class so far (shhhh don't tell my parents), I over slept when i decided to take a nap in the afternoon. I can also say I've learned a lot of lessons the past few weeks. I've learned that planning in advance doesn't actually mean you'll do what you planned. Which sucks. I'm talking about recording my first EP. I've been putting it off for a little while because I just needed to take some Nathan time, which might sound selfish. I've learned this week that sometimes love is the thing that unites all people. And without going into to much detail, I've learned that forgiving and forgetting are essential with all aspects of life and love. Some people make mistakes, some hurt, some don't, but in reality you can't go back and fix them, no matter how bad you want to. You just have to forget about the mistakes, forgive, and move on. But we learn from these mistakes and situations, and they make us stronger people. Anyways, I'm done blabbing. I have an audition thursday night for a program that would bring me some acoustic gigs and exposure around the Ball State and Muncie area. So hopefully all goes well and they like me! I'll keep this posted and will do a better job keeping this updated! Its late, out for now.


1 comment:

  1. At least you didn't "forget" or misunderstand an entire class like someone I know!
    Hang in there.. These are the best times of your life, they say. (Although I have to disagree, with the right combination and a lot of love from God, it just gets better & better!)
    Good luck with the audition!
    Can't wait for you to see the new house! :)hot tub waiting for ya!
