Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New roommate and controversy..

OK so part of the reason I've been stressed is this... I came back from the gym on Sunday to find out that someone's belongings moved into my room. And for a little background info my roommate moved out a long time ago. So now i have a new roommate who I didn't know about. No thanks to the heads of from my Residence Assistant or Hall Director. Soooo I was pretty pissed as you would imagine and I wrote a e-mail to the Director of Housing and Residence life and gave him and her (theres two) a piece of my mind and rose a little hell haha. But the kid is a good friend of mine so its not all bad. The only thing is his g/f spends the night every night. I can't handle this crap every night. I can't even talk to him about it because his g/f is always with him and I don't want to hurt her feelings. So now i really have 2 roommates, but luckily my friend just purchased a house and is hopefully moving back out soon. Lucky me I still have to put up with this crap for a little while. This is prob. the worst blog I've ever wrote haha but I'm going to plug in a little advertisement... Check out my music @ 


and my live music videos at 


Peace and love,


Monday, March 30, 2009

Stress sucks!

Wow my stress level in through the roof right now! It's crazy! So much stuff going on with school especially and some other stuff too but mostly school. A great stress reliever I believe in is physical activity. For me its lifting weights. I take all my anger that I have for people, the world, or just everything that is going on, out on the weights. Which is kind of a coincidence, ever heard the expression "the weight of the world is on my shoulders"? Well, literally it is! lol I'm up late waiting for my g/f to call me goodnight and trying to type this stupid paper which sounds like the 8 other papers I've typed in this class this year. But hey the teacher is giving me A's so why change? Man I'm just ready for the weekend already, but it's only Monday! We'll technically Tues. morning. Oh, well, I'll just do my best to make it through this slow week. My g/f told me she is coming to visit her sister and I next weekend so I'm super excited about that! I love it when she comes to visit, we always have a blasty blast. Actually we have a blasty blast no matter what we do. We are very similar and we are both freakin' goofy. Thats why I think we havn't killed each other yet after almost three years haha. But no really I love her a lot and miss her tons and I'm so lucky that I have her. Its crazy that if I think back to when we started dating and the person she has grown up to be I couldn't be happier for her and life she lives, shes had many great role models that she has shaped her life after, family and friends. She has helped me be a better person, a better listener, and more compassionate towards others and I'm so grateful for that. It's amazing to think back to like 4 or 5 years ago when we met at a teen club in florida on spring break (ha ha lame). I didn't even know her name or anything about her, but I did know that this girl was beautiful and that I had my eye on her ever since that day. We've been through so many things together, most of the difficult things I wouldn't be able to get through without her help and love. She is AMAZING! Well I could talk about her all day but I need to get back to my paper.

Peace and Love, 



"Your will above all else my purpose remains, the art of losing myself then bringing you praise. Everlasting your light will shine will all else fades, never ending your glory goes beyond all fame, In my heart and my soul I give you control consume me from the inside out Lord." - From the inside out - Hillsong United

Sunday, March 29, 2009

So I got into a fight...

So I got into a fight last night. To start off I just want to say I'm not the confrontational type of guy. I'll watch someone fight but the chances of me jumping in or starting one is slim to none. Last night was an exception though. Here's my story...and a picture of my jacked up ribs

My friends and I decided to leave the party that we were at and head to a frat house where we were to meet some other friends of ours. Little did I know that we had to know a brother in the frat so that we could get in. The three people I was with did know a brother and so did I. Little did I know that the brother I knew was suspended from the frat so I couldn't get in. No big deal I thought i'll just go home or find something else to do as it was already early into Sunday morning. While I was walking away a kid my size or maybe a tad bigger came up to me and got in my face. He kept saying "P**** you couldn't get in", over and over again. This didn't bother me, I was just thinking this guy is so trashed I'll just walk away no big deal he doesn't know what he doing. As I start to walk away he gets in my face again, this time he shoves me knocking me back a few feet. Now this is the part where now my safety is in jeopardy so I have to defend myself. I rear back and punched the guy in the face. He had a look of anger and shock in his face as he starting to come at me throwing punches, only landing a few to my ribs before I locked up his hands and tried to take him to the ground. Before we got to the ground 3 guys, I'm guessing from the frat, came and broke up the scuffle and telling me to get out of there. I was having a really really good night until then, probably the best night I've had in awhile. But this kid had to go and ruin it (and my shoes because it was raining and muddy). I felt a cross between pissed off and accomplishment that I didn't let this kid tear me up. Now like I said I don't fight and don't condone fighting unless done in a ring or and octagon with officials, gloves, and the works. But when safety is in jeopardy I always believe in self defense no matter what the situation . 

Peace and love (and stay safe haha),


Saturday, March 28, 2009

time to relax... hopefully

You ever have one of those days where your always so worried about something? So worried or concerned about something that your whole body is shaking and you can't get that specific thing off your mind? Maybe a loved one is on the edge of passing or maybe you have a big term paper or test the next day. Or maybe your worried about someone or something and that they are safe and doing o.k. Today is one of those days for me... Actually i've had this problem before, i just feel like everything that can go wrong will go wrong and ruin some part of my life or relationships I have with others. I'm not going to state what I'm taking about because its personal. No its nothing illegal or involving breaking laws or anything. Its not even something I did but what someone else is doing. I guess I really can't describe it unless you know the situation, but oh well I felt like typing this would help me feel better. And I do feel a little better now. But I just want this to be over with. And I know everything will be alright, I just always have those thoughts in the back of my mind, you know, "what ifs and what nots". This isn't how I feel all the time. Just sometimes. Oh well I'm about to enjoy and evening with my friends and I'm sure just like last night It should help me take my mind off what is going on and help me relax. 

"I look to the Lord for help at all times, and he rescues me from danger. Turn to me, Oh Lord, and be merciful tome, because I am lonely and weak. Relieve me of my worries" - Psalm 25: 15-17

Peace for now...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm getting excited!!

So i just realized there is only about 6 weeks left in the school year for me. THIS IS CRAZY! My freshman year at BSU has gone fast (well at least 2nd semester has). That means only 6 more weekends of fun! So I better make the best of them. I won't be here for two of them so really i guess thats only 4 weekends I'll be here. No wait, I shouldn't count the last week cause i'll be moving out so crap only 3 weekends left! I'm just thankful for all the cool people I have met and all the new friends I have that will be up here next year with me! Hopefully my roommate for next year doesn't decide to go to that other college he was looking at, cause I really don't want to go potluck. So these next few weeks are prob. going to go by very slowly, I have a lot of tests and quizzes and papers, geez it will be terrible. But on the other hand my girlfriend told me she would come visit after she gets back safely from spring break, I'm definitely jealous! I think I'm going to record some more music tonight, hopefully it will go better than the other night! 

Peace and Love,

Monday, March 16, 2009

Just a little something I HAVE to share...

So this past week was spring break for me. It was pretty laid back which was actually really nice and inexpensive. I didn't go anywhere special besides home, which is special to me. Sometimes its really nice to go home and just chill and visit with family and friends. Besides sleeping in and enjoying my time with friends I had the regular 6 month dentist check up. Now for me a dentist check up is usually followed not to many days later with a cavity filling. In this case it was three. Ouch, oh well better than the time I had six in one sitting! Anyways I know what your thinking, this kid doesn't brush his teeth. Not True. More than likely I brush more than you. Yeah thats right I said it. I brush and floss 3 times a day. Followed by 2 cycles of fluoride brushing and rinsing. Not my favorite part of the day but I have to get it done. 

I had a wonderful spring break though besides the fillings. I got to hang out with my brother who I don't get to see very often. I also had a great time hanging out with my girl friend almost everyday, except Sunday. Her dad took us to this bar and grill place to eat. I can't remember what it was called but wow probably the best cheeseburger I have ever ate hands down. 

Sunday, the last day of break I was scheduled to perform at church. This is something that I love to do but don't get to do it anymore because I live in Muncie now. Anyways me and my brother performed a song called "Washed by the Water" by a band named Needtobreathe. The story behind this song for me is insane. I was at a 3 day concert, call it the Christian Woodstock like many people do, its called Ichthus. The band needtobreathe was playing this song washed by the water. Bo the singer was moving into the chorus with his strong southern vocals and I'm sitting in the front row with my brother bryce and we are pumped as hell. He goes through the verse and then the chorus where the first words are "Even when the rain falls..." and I kid you not, as soon as he sang those words the clouds opened up and it started to rain. I don't think I was the only one that noticed the smirk on Bo's face. I couldn't tell if he was amazed or just surprised by the irony of the situation. But that moment changed the way I live and thought ever since. And if you couldn't tell God was working right then and there at that moment then you are crazy. Especially with the fact that hundreds of people gave their life to Christ that day, it was amazing. If you have never gone and don't mind sleeping in a tent for a few nights then this is a must go. I've been a countless number of times and it never gets old. Click here for their website and info on it and please watch their promo video on the front page.

Thanks for listening and click here for the video of Bryce and I singing at church. enjoy.

Peace and love,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This week is getting to me...

Alrighty so... this week is going by really slow. Im about to head to my test and then come back and finish the last page of the last paper for the week. I'm so glad it's almost thursday! This week was really stressful and its just now starting to feel like I'm on the down slope of the whole thing. I just got this CD by the Lonely Island, haha it is so funny I love it. I've decided I'm going tanning everyday over break so I won't look white when everyone comes back from Florida. I''m just ready to hang out with my family, friends, and girl friend. It will be grand.

Peace and Love,

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dave Matthews Band...

Dave Matthews tickets go on sale next friday. Im pretty excited cause this will be the first year that I will be able to attend the event! He has always been one of my favorite artists and I from what I hear his concerts are to die for. I don't know if it will be able to top John Mayer last summer (which was amazing), but I'm sure it will be good either way. If you have never listened to Dave then check out my player on my blog, I have two of his songs. Jimi thing and #41. The thing I love about Dave is that he can take a 4 min. song, elaborate during the performance, and turn it into an 8 min song. His live cd's are definitely better than any artist I have ever heard. Yes Dave is crazy, but Dave is the man!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Team Shower...

The team shower tradition started after our first victory of the season last semester. We all came back relatively sweaty and or disgusting, and thought a bit of refreshing was due. Therefore, we all decided to bring a CD down to the 2nd floor bathroom in Elliott Hall and all take a shower together, in different stalls of course. This tradition carried on to every game prior to that, and even carried on to the last game we played this past Sunday.

We have moved on from a CD player to an Ipod dock and a team play list that includes music such as Kiss by a Rose by Seal, and Du Hast by Rammstein and Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing, among others. It is played at a relatively loud level, but nothing too loud as to keep from disturbing the fellow hall members.

Other random things that take place during the “Team Shower” period include random pranks, towel theft and impromptu karaoke. All in all it is good for us to begin to relax after a stressful game, and this fun and cleansing activity helps us to do just that.
This is not my post I took it from my friend Brad's blog! haha

Sunday, March 1, 2009

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Cold day? How bout some coffee?

As I'm sitting here in the university library, waiting for my english group to arrive i realize how glad I am that I'm not outside anymore. The weather channel said that the temperature is 22 degrees. So I sit here laptop in front of me and coffee in hand. Now one thing that I've been doing for the past 2 years or so I haven't really noticed until today. Whenever it is cold outside I have to get coffee. I don't know why but I just do. The weird thing is, is that I used to hate coffee. I only really started drinking it a 2 or 3 years ago thanks to my good friend tyler who opened my eyes. Tyler is a professional drummer who used to live in my hometown but now lives in the musical confines of Nashville Tennessee. Tyler has toured the world and I mean literally the world (Europe, Russia, Middle East,South America) playing with famous bands from all over the United States. Some of his most recent journeys include going to Iraq with country singer Carly Goodwin to play for the troops. Another adventure he played for a christian band called Circleslide who he just left after a few years of playing with them. He's a great person, a great christian, and someone I definitely look up to. Anyways back to the coffee. Since T.O. (thats what I call him) lives far away and travels so much its very rare that I get to see him. So when I do we always make the trip to the all so money consuming Star-bucks. This is how I got hooked on coffee. I'm a Star-bucks guy hands down, but I'll drink anything really. I'm usually a caffeinated guy too but the coffee on campus here gives me the shakes for some reason so I had to get my own coffee maker and make it myself. The point is though that I love coffee, it just brightens the coldest and gloomiest days. 
