Saturday, March 28, 2009

time to relax... hopefully

You ever have one of those days where your always so worried about something? So worried or concerned about something that your whole body is shaking and you can't get that specific thing off your mind? Maybe a loved one is on the edge of passing or maybe you have a big term paper or test the next day. Or maybe your worried about someone or something and that they are safe and doing o.k. Today is one of those days for me... Actually i've had this problem before, i just feel like everything that can go wrong will go wrong and ruin some part of my life or relationships I have with others. I'm not going to state what I'm taking about because its personal. No its nothing illegal or involving breaking laws or anything. Its not even something I did but what someone else is doing. I guess I really can't describe it unless you know the situation, but oh well I felt like typing this would help me feel better. And I do feel a little better now. But I just want this to be over with. And I know everything will be alright, I just always have those thoughts in the back of my mind, you know, "what ifs and what nots". This isn't how I feel all the time. Just sometimes. Oh well I'm about to enjoy and evening with my friends and I'm sure just like last night It should help me take my mind off what is going on and help me relax. 

"I look to the Lord for help at all times, and he rescues me from danger. Turn to me, Oh Lord, and be merciful tome, because I am lonely and weak. Relieve me of my worries" - Psalm 25: 15-17

Peace for now...


  1. Hey Sweetie! CHILLAX! {My some-what new word}. What ever is troubling you will pass. Remember, God will not put anything in front of you that you can not handle. And all things happen for a reason. One of my favorite quotes is: "What doesn't kill me will make me stronger". I got it from Emily.
    You are probaly just stressing because Annie is in Florida, and you are stuck here in Indy. But fret not, I happen to know she is CRAZY about you. She will be fine, and can handle herself. She will have your protection soon enough when she joins you in the fall @ BSU.
    Get those what if's and what not's out of your head! Go have fun with your friends. It is SATURDAY night & as you previously said, not many more weekends to enjoy @ BSU before summer break.
    ps Emily enjoyed hanging w/ you last night ( :
    pss love Psalm 25

  2. Thanks Jan, I know Annie will be ok, she's a wonderful girl and I know she'll make good decisions down there. I just worry too much lol. I am deff. ready for summer break though. Crazy thing is I saw Emily again on Saturday! haha and yes Psalm 25 is a goodie
