Monday, March 30, 2009

Stress sucks!

Wow my stress level in through the roof right now! It's crazy! So much stuff going on with school especially and some other stuff too but mostly school. A great stress reliever I believe in is physical activity. For me its lifting weights. I take all my anger that I have for people, the world, or just everything that is going on, out on the weights. Which is kind of a coincidence, ever heard the expression "the weight of the world is on my shoulders"? Well, literally it is! lol I'm up late waiting for my g/f to call me goodnight and trying to type this stupid paper which sounds like the 8 other papers I've typed in this class this year. But hey the teacher is giving me A's so why change? Man I'm just ready for the weekend already, but it's only Monday! We'll technically Tues. morning. Oh, well, I'll just do my best to make it through this slow week. My g/f told me she is coming to visit her sister and I next weekend so I'm super excited about that! I love it when she comes to visit, we always have a blasty blast. Actually we have a blasty blast no matter what we do. We are very similar and we are both freakin' goofy. Thats why I think we havn't killed each other yet after almost three years haha. But no really I love her a lot and miss her tons and I'm so lucky that I have her. Its crazy that if I think back to when we started dating and the person she has grown up to be I couldn't be happier for her and life she lives, shes had many great role models that she has shaped her life after, family and friends. She has helped me be a better person, a better listener, and more compassionate towards others and I'm so grateful for that. It's amazing to think back to like 4 or 5 years ago when we met at a teen club in florida on spring break (ha ha lame). I didn't even know her name or anything about her, but I did know that this girl was beautiful and that I had my eye on her ever since that day. We've been through so many things together, most of the difficult things I wouldn't be able to get through without her help and love. She is AMAZING! Well I could talk about her all day but I need to get back to my paper.

Peace and Love, 



"Your will above all else my purpose remains, the art of losing myself then bringing you praise. Everlasting your light will shine will all else fades, never ending your glory goes beyond all fame, In my heart and my soul I give you control consume me from the inside out Lord." - From the inside out - Hillsong United

1 comment:

  1. You made me tear up.. You are both very good for each other. We appreciate what you bring to Annie, and how you have been such a good boyfriend to her. We love you too Nathan!
